Website Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Challenge Fund Associate
Location: Nepal
City: Jankapur
Contract Type: Staff
Grade: X6
Salary scale: Country Scale
Contract Duration: Until 30 December 2025
Deadline: (23:59 KST) 30/03/2024
Job Reference: R24-225
The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.
The Challenge Fund Associate will assist in the implementation of the KOICA CSA project’s output 2.2 which aims to invest in climate-smart agriculture for job creation and competitiveness and will implement Terai Agribusiness and Enterprise Challenge Fund (TAECF), USD 1.56 million, to incubate selected climate smart agribusinesses in the region.
This Challenge Fund Associate will allow for CSA opportunities to be significantly scaled up across municipalities, generating a further estimated 530 jobs over the project life and will create employment and business opportunities in value chains which can benefit landless people as well. Seed capital can be spent to hire labour, acquire needed equipment, or to implement new crop, soil, or water resources management practices in line with CSA principles. In addition, the project aims to mobilize USD 20M in financing to support the scale up of such practices in other part of Nepal.
He/she will work closely with GGGI under the leadership and guidance of the Country Representative, Senior Project Coordination Officer, and Program Management Officer to ensure that the outputs delivered are in line with the CSA project KPIs.
Specific tasks for this assignment shall include the following:
- Implement the TAECF – a) develop a selection criteria for accelerator, and champion program; 2) select wining agribusinesses based on criteria through a competitive process; and 2) disburse seed capital to wining agribusinesses
- Support selected agribusinesses to submit financial and technical reports
- Provide tailored technical support and a platform for peer-peer learning and networking.
- Monitor and assess the implementation of each grantee’s project, including services provided to smallholder farmers and the achievement of the expected targets and objectives (outputs and impacts)
- Support to mobilize climate finance from bilateral or international climate funds to support scale up and replication nationally – a) scope potential public and private sector investors to support scale up of program for Phase II, for example private impact investors; b) shortlist five priority investors; c) undertake required agricultural assessments and studies; d) prepare two proposals for scaling-up the program.
- Other relative duties assigned by the Country Representative
- Assist engagement with key government counterparts, private sector institutions, relevant academic institutions and non-governmental agencies to identify best-practices, lessons to be learned in development of and implementation of capacity-building related to production systems, and promotion of climate-resilient agri-businesses and associated government agencies.
- Support coordination among GGGI/partner experts to mainstream social/gender inclusivity consideration across the project/country portfolio and ensuring that this is effectively reported upon.
- Support organizing events and sessions between farmers, entrepreneurs and enabling institutions, and potential investors.
- Develop Operation Guidelines for Accelerator and Championship program of the TAECF
- Establish selection criteria for Accelerator and Championship program of the TAECF
- Build a peer-to-peer learning platform for grantees
- Produce quarterly financial report and bi-annual technical report of grantees
- Generate mapping on potential public and private sector investors to shortlist five priority investors
- Gather and submit information for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) purposes, and support technical reporting and administrative reporting needs.
- Prepare monthly/quarterly progress report.
- University degree in agribusiness, business administration or related field.
- Preferred 3 to 5 years’ experience in the agribusiness sector, particularly in grant management
- Experience in agricultural administration, economic and financial analysis, market and risk assessment, and evaluation of programmes or related activities.
- Track record experience in project cycle management.
- Excellent fluency in English and Nepali, both written and verbal required.
- Work experience in Madhesh Province preferred.
- Experience in engaging with multiple stakeholders, including Intergovernmental organizations, financial institutions, government institutions, NGOs, civil society, and others would be an advantage.
- Strong understanding of the needs and challenges of agribusinesses, smallholder farmers and other agribusiness value-chain actors in Nepal or similar contexts.
- Working experience in grant management
- Experience in working with Government of Nepal, local governments, bilateral organizations and I/NGOs.
- Understand and actively support GGGI’s mission, vision, and values
- Promote an organizational culture of trust, transparency, respect, and partnership
- Has strong client orientation
- Process and share information easily and is excellent at problem solving
- Manage emotions and stress positively, builds rapport and resolves conflict easily
- Demonstrate high level of integrity in handling privileged information and in stewardship of public resources
- Value the importance of promoting environmental sustainability within the workplace and green growth within society as a whole
- The Challenge Fund Associate is an X6, local grade level in GGGI’s salary scale. For X6 local grade, the base salary starts from USD 13,748. Determination of base salary is subject to candidate’s experience, academic background and internal equity. GGGI provides 15% of base salary towards retirement plan/long-term savings, 27 days of annual leave, and private health insurance that covers dental and vision.
- GGGI is committed to providing a work environment that is sufficiently flexible to accommodate diverse life-cycle challenges and assist Staff members to achieve a better balance between work and personal/family commitments, thus ensuring high performance, long-term productivity, and well-being of Staff members.
Nepal’s Terai Flood Plain is hard hit by recurrent climate emergencies and a humanitarian crisis induced by returning economically displaced migrant workers. The KOICA-funded project, titled ‘Building Climate Resilience and Reintegrating Economically Displaced Workers through Climate Smart Agriculture in the Terai Flood Plain, Nepal (2022-2025)’ – hereafter KOICA CSA project – supports widespread adoption of climate smart agriculture to reduce vulnerability and improve food and job security, especially for women and returned migrant workers. It does this by a) improving emergency management in the agriculture sector to protect lives and livelihoods; b) strengthening resilient agriculture planning and implementation; and c) building and financing climate smart agriculture businesses for job creation and long-term resilient green growth.
Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.