Social Movements and CSO Engagement Manager

  • Full Time
  • Kathmandu
  • Applications have closed

Care Nepal


Functional Title: Social Movements and CSO Engagement Manager

Responsibility Level/Grade: Manager / Grade G
Department/Project: CO
Workstation: Kathmandu
Incumbent’s Name: To Be Determined
Supervisor/Principal Evaluator: Localization, Social Movement and Advocacy Lead
Co-Evaluator: Deputy Country Director- Program Quality

The Social Movements and CSO Engagement Manager is primarily responsible for establishing and maintaining strategic partnership with movement-based organizations and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including inviting some to formally contribute to CARE’s Network of Partners. The role also involves supporting social movements and strengthening the capacity of the Network of Partners members. As a representatives of CARE Nepal, the manager will participate in CSO-led platforms and networks to build relationships, explore partnership opportunities with diverse social movements and credible CSOs. The manager will support in developing CARE’s strategies to engage with social movements and identifying key social movements and CSO partners aligned with program objectives and CARE’s country and global strategy and mission. The manager will be responsible for regular consultations and engagement with social movement organizations and facilitating network-building meetings with social movements and CSO partners. Additionally, the manager will coordinate with diverse stakeholders and decision makers to connect the movement agendas through supporting movement-based partners to effectively communicate their perspectives.

The employee shall fully comply with CARE’s policies and procedures and should be accountable for it.

R1. Partnership building with movement-based organizations and CSOs partners.

  • Conducting research and analysis to identify potential strategic partners and evaluating their alignment with the organization’s goals and values.
  • Engaging with potential partners and building relationships by sharing information about the organization’s work, understanding their priorities and interests, and exploring opportunities for collaboration.
  • Draft Scope of Work (SoW) and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) documents in consultation with partners and the CARE team and facilitate the process of signing the MoU  with the strategic partners.
  • Develop annual strategic plans with strategic partners and take leadership role in executing the plan in collaboration with the respective strategic partners.
  • Organizing and facilitating regular meetings and communication channels with partners to exchange ideas, review progress and address challenges in partnership relationships.
  • Support the Localization, Social Movements and Advocacy Lead to develop and implement strategies to promote the value of the network-based partnership model to internal and external stakeholders, including donors, government agencies, and community groups.
  • Extending support to the Network of Partners in aligning their goals and activities, sharing resources and harnessing collaboration to achieve aligned goals.

R2. Support the social movements led by movement actors

  • Develop guidelines and training materials to orient the program team members and functional unit members on CARE’s approach to engaging with social movements, including principles, roles, and strategies for effective movement building.
  • Conduct research and analysis to identify key social movement-based organizations that align with program objectives, and coordinate with the movements to forge collaboration in aligned agendas.
  • Organize regular consultation and engagement with social movement-based organizations to listen to their needs, consolidate their feedback and coordinate with the CARE team to provide resources to drive their agendas.
  • Facilitate in convening the network building meeting between diverse CSOs partners and social movement actors for network building, peer learning and nurture the collaboration among the partners.
  • Provide support to the movement actors to participate in key events to support them in amplifying their agendas.
  • Coordinate with the stakeholders and decision makers to connect the agendas of movement actors through supporting movement-based partners to effectively communicate their perspectives to key decision makers and stakeholders.
  • Attend key events such as workshops, delegations’ visits, dialogue meetings and other key events organized by social movement-based partners to showcase our solidarity in their agendas.

R3. Capacity Strengthening of members of the Network of Partners

  • Facilitate the capacity strengthening needs assessments of movement-based organizations and CSO partners engaged in the Network of Partners by using standard capacity assessment tools.
  • Support CSO partners and social movements to enhance their institutional capacity in various strategic and management areas.
  • Design and facilitate learning exchange platforms among CSO partners and movement actors to support in building their capacity.
  • Coordinate with CSO partners and diverse social movements in designing and implementing capacity strengthening plans.
  • Monitor and document the progress of capacity strengthening activities and the impact of capacity strengthening for CSO partners and movement actors.

R4. Represent CARE Nepal in CSO led platform and program.

  • Identify and participate in relevant CSO-led platforms and networks to represent CARE Nepal and its program for network building.
  • Represent CARE Nepal in relevant working groups, forum and interface meetings coordinated by diverse CSOs and movement-based organizations to contribute and extend solidarity to their agendas.
  • Communicate regularly with the Deputy Country Director- Program Quality, Localization Social Movement and Advocacy Lead, Program Coordinators, and functional leads to ensure that CARE Nepal’s participation in CSO-led platforms and forums to support their locally led agendas.
  • Represent CARE Nepal’s commitment to CSO strengthening and movement building internal to the Country Office, ensuring wide understanding across staff of the importance of Women-Led and Women’s-Rights Movements to CARE’s mission. Represent CARE Nepal’s movement building priorities, achievements, and challenges to CARE’s regional, global, and CARE USA colleagues and actively contribute to learning across the CARE confederation.
  • Build relationships and network with other CSOs, INGOs and donor agencies represented in the CSO-led platforms to explore potential partnerships opportunities for CARE Nepal’s program.

R5. Upholding CARE’s Core values and ensuring its principles.

  • Comply and exercise organizational values and culture.
  • Help to promote rights and good governance.
  • Responsible for gender responsive behavior in all actions and decisions
  • Conduct Safeguarding risk assessment of program and partners and prepare safeguarding activities in project activity plan to mitigate the risk identified.
  • Hold regular staff meetings where safeguarding is part of the agenda and safeguarding issues are discussed and monitor the implementation of safeguarding in the team/ department.
  • Establish Feedback and Accountability mechanism at program and partners level and follow up and address safeguarding issues promptly with the support from CO safeguarding focal points.
  • Demonstrate positive behaviors following CARE code of conduct and uphold implementation of CARE Safeguarding policy at all level.

Based in Kathmandu with extensive field visits to working areas.

Qualifications and Experience:
Masters in Sociology, Development Studies, or other relevant subjects with at least five years of relevant experience with proven people management experience.

Skills and Competencies:

  • Understand the CSOs operating environment and dynamics of social movement in Nepal.
  • Strong knowledge on socio-political context of Nepal and neighboring countries
  • Experience of working with diverse CSO partners and movement actors
  • Strong facilitation and coordination skills
  • Analytical and negotiation skills
  • Diplomacy and risk management skills to define appropriate boundaries between CARE and civil society movements where necessary and appropriate