Website Helvetas Nepal
Reintegration of Returnee Migrant Workers (ReMi) Project, Phase I
Reintegration of Returnee Migrant Workers (ReMi) project is a bilateral initiative of Governments of Nepal and Switzerland. The project contributes to the social and economic reintegration of returnee migrant workers in Nepal. The project is implemented by Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security; provincial line ministries and local governments in Koshi and Madhesh Provinces (visit https://remi.org.np for more information). Helvetas Nepal as Technical Assistance provider to the project invites applications from committed and experienced Nepali citizens for the following positions:
Knowledge Management and Digitalization Specialist – 1 position(s) – Open for All
Application Deadline : 06 May, 2024
Duty Station : ReMi Project Support Unit, Lalitpur
Job Description
Job purpose:
The position is overall responsible to:
- Establish an effective monitoring, evaluation and learning system and closely monitor implementation, including digital systems.
- Support digitalization through and within the ReMi project for project management and ICT4D solutions.
- Lead all knowledge management activities, ensuring that key project learnings are compiled, documented, and disseminated amongst all relevant stakeholders, including Government (Federal/Province line ministries and local governments), Swiss
- Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Helvetas head office, national implementation partners and private sector actors.
- Communications and visibility focal point for ReMi project.
Compliance to policies, rules/regulations, and guidelines
- Adhere to relevant policies, procedures, regulations and guidelines of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (Code of Conduct; NPR-Nepal; Finance Manual; Security Response Guide; Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Guide; Mobbing, Sexual
- Harassment & Abuse of Authority; Code of Conduct Against Corruption etc.) and other specific policies applicable for ReMi.
- Ensure Conflict Sensitive Program Management at all levels.
- Ensure compliance of all the terms and conditions agreed between HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Nepal and the donor.
Roles and Responsibilities
Specific roles and responsibilities of this position include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Learning and Knowledge Management
- ReMI is a pilot project which will test and generate a range of information and knowledge, including through surveys, mapping, plot-testing models and approaches; develop a comprehensive KM plan to ensure the documentation, analysis and (internal and external) dissemination of these evidence to promote innovative programming.
- Develop processes, methods and tools that enable storage and sharing of resources in an easily accessible manner, including reflection, analysis, and knowledge sharing for effective and adaptive management.
- Promote capitalization of experiences, foster exchange and learning to internal, national, and global events and contribute to the institutionalization of that learning within Helvetas and SDC.
- Lead on day-to-day knowledge management related activities like coordinating translations (English to Nepali and vice versa), managing and improving internal communications, setting up e-library, monitoring the distribution of communication materials.
- Organize and facilitate learning, review, and reflection events within ReMi-Project Support Unit, as well as with government stakeholders (MoLESS, Province ministries and local governments), national implementation partners and private sector actors.
2. Digitalization
- Work closely with the ReMi ICT4D/ Digitalization Specialist to review digital tools, platforms, and technologies and identify appropriative digital solutions to address needs of returnee migrant workers.
- Develop a strong understanding of digital landscape in Nepal, primarily on relevant government systems, structures, and policies.
- Liaise closely with government and non-government stakeholders to identify and implement sustainable digital solutions (including data storage and privacy, hosting servers and long-term updating and maintenance of digital products).
- Foster collaboration between different projects, departments, and agencies to ensure a unified approach to digital initiatives.
- Develop and implement training programs to upskill team members on digital tools and processes.
3. Planning, Monitoring, Implementation, and Reporting
- Oversee development and operation of the overall Management Information System (MIS) for the project with close inputs from the government partners and SDC as per available ReMi monitoring, evaluation and learning plan.
- Develop appropriate monitoring tools and procedures to measure and track the status of project performance against set results and outcome indicators for adaptive project management, while ensuring compliance with the donor’s requirements and ensuring disaggregation of data according to stipulated DAG criteria.
- Assist Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader for timey preparation of quality project reports and YPOs as per the requirements of donor (SDC), Government of Nepal and in coordination with Helvetas headquarters.
- Organise periodic review and planning workshops among PSU and PIC at federal and local levels and support PPSUs (Province level) to prepare progress reports including expenditures and compile those into a single project report.
- Provide required support and facilitation to any external assessments, reviews, or evaluations of the ReMi project.
4. Communications and Visibility
- Generate publications, web-presence, and public relations materials (such as audio-visual materials, press releases, policy briefs, etc.) in an appropriate format that meets the quality standards and visibility requirements; Procure services to deliver these as required.
- Facilitate development of information and awareness messages on safer migration and reintegration as well as availability of services for various audiences (e.g. migrant workers and their families, government and non-government stakeholders, private sector, etc).
- Generate ideas for innovative communication strategies for varied audiences (e.g development partners, universities, governments, private sector, youth, parents etc.).
- Ensure all communications materials of the project adhered to the SDC and Helvetas communication policy and guidelines.
- Support the planning of major events including exhibitions and campaigns.
- Liaise with broadcast, print, and other new media to disseminate project events and activities of interest.
5. Coordination, Collaboration and Networking
- Coordinate with all PPSU team members and partners to collect, compile, and disseminate information, including results and learnings of the project.
- Liaise with MEL/Communication focal points of Helvetas HQ and Country office, SDC, and government/non-government implementation partners to ensure the relevant compliances set in the bilateral mandate agreement.
- Close collaboration with Safer Migration (SaMi) project for harmonized messaging on migration and reintegration.
- Coordinate with representatives from other SDC funded projects like ENSSURE, QualiTY, NVQS, as well as other relevant projects to share knowledge and build synergies.
- Work closely with the Helvetas country office and head office to provide regular project updates, content, and materials as well as to increase visibility through social media.
6. Other Specific Responsibilities
- Professionally discharge other mutually agreed tasks assigned by the Team Leader.
Job Requirements
A. Minimum Education Attainment: Master’s degree in Management Information Systems, Information Technology, Development Studies, Project Management, Mass communications, or other relevant field.
B. Minimum Professional Experience: Minimum five years of working experience in knowledge management (including monitoring and evaluation, database and learning system operation, and communications) in development sector. Demonstrated work experience in digital transformation initiatives and IT project management is an added value. Prior work experience at the federal, provincial or local level Government system and/or in labor migration sector will be an advantage.
C. Required Competence:
- Proven record in establishing comprehensive knowledge management systems in development projects, including monitoring, database management, learning and evaluation.
- Understanding of digital technologies and their potential (including cloud computing, data analytics and other emerging technologies) for development, including familiarity with relevant software and tools used in digital transformation.
- Experience in working with government agencies, donors, and networks of development agencies an added advantage.
- Experience in producing communication material, including articles, case stories, audio-visual products.
- Advanced communication and reporting abilities in both English and Nepali languages (verbal and written).
- Ability to work in a diverse team for effective and timely delivery of high-quality outputs.
- Commitment towards gender equality, social inclusion, and poverty reduction.
- Willingness and ability to travel frequently to project intervention areas.
Duration: Till 15th July 2026 (with possibility of extension).
Salary and Benefits: As per the rules and regulation of Helvetas Nepal.
Application Procedures: Interested candidates who meet above requirements are requested to visit our website at http://apply.helvetas.org.np and submit application through online portal. Detail job descriptions are available on the website.
Telephonic inquiries and/or attempts to apply undue influence will result in the disqualification of candidates from the selection process. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the selection process. Helvetas Nepal reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons.
Helvetas Nepal promotes workforce diversity and applies positive discrimination to candidates from discriminated groups (women, Dalit, Janajati, Madhesi/Terai, and other minority communities).
Deadline for submission of application: 6th May 2024