Website Millennium Challenge Account Nepal (MCA-Nepal)
The Millennium Challenge Account Nepal (MCA-Nepal) is a Government of Nepal (GoN) agency formed under the Development Board Act 2013 BS (1956 AD) to manage a USD 697 million infrastructure program. The program is co-funded by the US Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact grant of USD 500 million and the GoN’s contribution of USD 197 million. The program aims to increase the availability and reliability of electricity, maintain road quality, and facilitate power trade between Nepal and the region to help spur investments and accelerate economic growth. The Electricity Transmission Project, a national pride project, and the Road Maintenance Project are two projects under the program. MCA-Nepal invites applications for the following positions as it moves forward with the implementation of the five-year program launched on August 30, 2023:
Resettlement Specialist
Required number of candidates: 2
Organization Branch: Kathmandu Head office
Organization Division: Environment and Social Performance
Division: Environment and Social Performance
Reports to: Manager-Resettlement
Band: C
Background & Project Description
Millennium Challenge Compact was signed on September 14, 2017 between the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a United States government entity, and the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, acting through its Ministry of Finance. The Compact aims to increase the availability and reliability of electricity, maintain road quality, and facilitate power trade between Nepal and India helping to spur investments, and accelerate economic growth. The Compact Agreement is currently in implementation stage, and is valid for a period of five years from the date of Entry-Into-Force (EIF), i.e. 30 August 2023.
Pursuant to the aforementioned agreement, the entity charged with implementing the project has been established as the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) Nepal entity. This is an important process management role in MCA-Nepal.
Position Objective
The Resettlement Specialist, under the supervision of the Manager-Resettlement, is responsible for assisting in design, implementation and monitoring of all Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Livelihood Restoration work for the compact.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Oversee the preparation and implementation of Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) and Livelihood Restoration Plans (LRPs);
- Collaborate and coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to ensure compliance with MCC Environmental Guidelines, IFC Performance Standards, and Nepali legislation;
- Support development and/or review of procurements and documents related to involuntary resettlement and economic displacement such as RAPs, LRPs, etc.;
- Ensure that designs and bid contracts incorporate relocation, compensation, and livelihood restoration issues and provide appropriate access to site information through regular collaboration with MCA Project Managers and consultants;
- Coordinate with competent authorities to plan and obtain RAP approvals from all designated authorities;
- Coordinate closely with MCA-Nepal staff, consultants, contractors, and other government entities to ensure the effective integration of land acquisition and other resettlement activity planning into project and activity planning, design, and implementation;
- Coordinate closely with concerned District Administration Offices (DAOs) for CFC activation, land price determination, compensation disbursement and ensure appropriate CA (Compensation Agreement) signing with Project Affected Parties (PAPs);
- Ensure adherence to prevailing legal provisions and Compacts’ requirements and ensure enabling resettlement for smooth project implementation;
- Work collaboratively with the Grievance Officer to manage grievance procedure c, addresses livelihood restoration, and monitor and support grievance resolution with relevant stakeholders;
- Engage actively with MCA-Nepal staff in Environmental and Social Performance (ESP), Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI), Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), Fiscal and others to ensure crosscutting requirements are fulfilled in the development and implementation of resettlement activities;
- Conduct field visits to inspect planning and implementation activities, participate in public meetings, resolve problems, etc;
- Support field level coordination between Projected Affected Households and other stakeholders with MCA Resettlement implementation consultant;
- Support the organization and management of public consultation, meetings with stakeholders, and the communication of information on resettlement issues to those affected by involuntary land acquisition and resettlement in accordance with the RAPs and other approved guidelines and procedures;
- Review resettlement database and ensure consistency and accuracy in coordination with Resettlement consultant and MCA Nepal Finance team;
- Ensure the integrity of the database associated with the development and implementation of RAPs/LRPs;
- Develop monitoring systems to monitor the progress of resettlement and displacement and assist in the preparation of progress reports to MCC and the Government;
- Develop and implement procedures to manage and supervise new resettlement cases that may occur during construction;
- Develop procedures and tenders for any specialized resettlement-related studies that may become necessary;
- Any other work as assigned by Manager-Resettlement in tasks contributing to furtherance of compact objectives.
Job Specification
Position Requirements (Education, Experience, Technical Competencies)
- Bachelor’s degree (required) in Natural or Social Science, Environmental Planning, Engineering, or a similar discipline;
- At least five (5) years of demonstrated experience in similar capacity on projects of a similar nature;
- Familiarity with international environmental and social guidelines and policies, including IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability.
- Experience working on the development and/or implementation of resettlement action plans in accordance with World Bank OP 4.12, IFC PS 5 or other resettlement procedures of multilateral or bilateral donors;
- Experience in conducting public consultations and stakeholder engagement processes for resettlement activities;
- Experience working in the field and on sites, e.g. Including field visits and interacting with different stakeholders, and ability to undertake regular, interactive site visits;
- Demonstrated experience developing and implementing livelihood restoration programs;
- Demonstrated understanding and experience working with gender and social exclusion issues in the context of resettlement and land issues;
- Proven experience delivering under pressure through consultants/contractors;
- Responsible and flexible attitude and capable of working with minimal supervision;
- Have high integrity and exercise good judgement;
- Experience of working in road construction or transmission lines;
- Conversant with basic MS package and monitor project schedule independently;
- Ability to document, lead conversation with international contractors and arrive at results;
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Nepali;
- Experience working with FIDIC engineers and contractors;
- Proven ability to work with multiple stakeholders.
For detailed job profile ad position requirements, please visit MCA -Nepal website: https://mcanp.org/en/jobs-2
To apply: Please use the following link https://hrmis.mcanp.org/careers and apply by NPT 17:00 hours (GMT +5:45) September 13, 2024.
The organization reserves the right to reject any/all applications without assigning any reason whatsoever. Canvassing at any stage of the process shall lead to automatic disqualification. These positions are open to all interested applicants. Competitive local compensation package will be offered. Women, people of ethnic minorities and Dalits are highly encouraged to apply. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further selection process.
Millennium Challenge Account Nepal (MCA-Nepal)
Lal Durbar Convention Centre, Yak & Yeti Complex, Durbar Marg, Kathmandu +977-01-4540951 | info@mcanp.org | www.mcanp.org